Training services

Training services

A- Internal training:

• Training in the use of modern technologies in detecting farm animal diseases -

Birds and fish.

• Courses in health legislation and control over food and animal feed

And diagnosis of quarantine diseases of farm animals and zoo animals

And poultry.

• Holding integrated training courses between the Animal Health Research Institute and the Wealth Institutes

Other animals in the fields of food and health care for farm animals and birds

And fish.

• Quality control of analysis and research in the Animal Health Research Institute.

• Refinement of scientific and laboratory skills in laboratory assistant and technical assistant courses.

• Holding specialized technical training courses to raise the level of performance for recent doctors


• Holding training courses in the areas of how to use the computer and the .ICDL

Training of gentlemen doctors and laboratory assistants from Arab and Afro-Asian countries.

• Training doctors, to keep pace with technological development in the fields of veterinary medicine

(Stem cells, nanotechnology, etc.)

B - External Training:

• Contributing to the specialized international scientific conferences.

• Exchanging scientific visits to international research centers specialized in animal health

Poultry and fish, and the health and safety of food of animal origin

Training in international research centers specialized in the field of laboratory diagnosis of diseases

Animal, poultry, fish and health checks of food of animal origin.

• Training in international research centers specializing in the areas of foreign languages ​​and use

Experienced veterinary agricultural system.